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Hair Salons Near Me Naperville IL

Hair Salons Near Me Naperville IL – Zano Salon & Spa – 35 South Washington Street in Downtown Naperville – Call 630-428-4001 – Zano Salon & Spa – 1767 West Ogden Avenue – Call 630-778-8999

Considering a new hairstyle for this summer? Here’s a quick look at a few trendy looks:

-Lengthy layers. How about a fresh appearance that doesn’t necessarily involve removing a lot of length? Our stylists have the solution. Longer layers will provide that ease-of-movement you’re searching for with long cuts. Longer layers are easy to maintain with air drying or undone waves.

-Curtain bangs. This is a popular style many people are seeing on TikTok and Instagram pages. This variety of bangs do not require a lot of maintenance. Plus, they will grow out well. Ideal if you want the appeal of bangs without the need for regular upkeep.

-Blunt, soft fringes. This type of bangs typically calls for a little more maintenance without the ends that characterize curtain bangs. Blunt, soft fringe lines look appealing with a short bob as well as longer cuts too. Consider this style if your face is oval-shaped. Hair Salons Near Me Naperville IL

-Ultra-soft fringe. This softer and seamless fringe style can give you beneficial facial-framing but without the full commitment of full out bangs. The important aspect of this cut is its softness that works off your natural part line.

-Curly shag. Movement and texture are a big part of the appeal for any type of shag cut. That’s great news for those with curly hair. A curly shag is a popular choice because it creates a tousled look while framing the face with lush layers.

Looking for professional, reputable Hair Salons Near Me Naperville IL? Call Zano today!

Skincare Tips – Protect Your Skin This Summer

When the summer sun heats up in Naperville, it’s important to shield your skin whenever possible from too much exposure. We all know that sunburn can be quite painful, but it’s not the greatest risk when it comes to too much sun. The harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun can quicken the aging process, resulting in hyperpigmentation, more wrinkles and even a higher risk of skin cancer.

Sunscreen application is the clear first step for protecting your skin. Choose a product with a sun protection factor of 30 or higher. The SPF system is simply a measure of how effective the sunscreen is at blocking the sun’s rays and indicates how long you can stay in the sun safely with the sunscreen on compared to using no sunscreen at all.

Sunscreen should be applied in sufficient amounts to achieve the sun protection factor rating shown on the label. The advised amount is generally one fluid ounce for an average adult – that’s around two tablespoons of sunscreen for the face and body. For those concerned about getting enough sun exposure to satisfy the body’s need for vitamin D, research suggests that about 15 minutes of unprotected exposure three times weekly is enough.

-Haircuts, Coloring, Manicures, Pedicures, Facials and More – Hair Salons Near Me Naperville IL – Zano Salon & Spa

You should try to remember to put on sunscreen on dry skin at least 15 minutes before you go outside and begin a period of sun exposure. Reapply every couple hours after or more frequently if you are in the water or engage in physical activity and sweating a lot. If the sunscreen you are using states it is water-resistant, check to see if the label specifies how long it will remain in effect when exposed to water. Additionally, remember to give protection to your lips, wear sunglasses with ultraviolet protection and wear a hat with a wide brim.

Follow these basics and your skin will look better and stay healthier! Our professional Hair Salons Near Me Naperville IL provide skin and waxing treatments that will help you looking and feeling your best.

Hair Salons Near Me Naperville IL – Zano Salon & Spa – Call 630-428-4001 in Downtown Naperville or Reach Our Ogden Avenue Location at 630-778-8999

Keep your locks healthy and vibrant throughout the summer with chemical-free, natural methods.
Natural hairstyles are ideal for the summertime! Considering letting go of sleek, defined styles and embrace a natural, loose look. Keep reading for some practical, convenient tips on protecting your hair against humidity and UV rays.

-Coverage is key. Of course, there’s no better way of protecting your hair when you are outside in the sun than wearing a hat or scarf. Covering up will provide plenty of UV ray protection, while also helping retain some moisture on your scalp. In addition, a hat protects hair that is color-treated and limits wind damage, particularly if your hair tangles easily.

-Wear your hair in comfortable, loose styles. Try a loose braid as a way of controlling your hair and minimizing its exposure to UV rays. Tighter hairstyles risk doing damage because of their tendency to pull on hair, particularly if your hair tends to dry out from the heat.

-Less frequent shampoo. Washing your hair too frequently risks stripping natural, moisturizing oils from your scalp. Consequently, that can stimulate production of more oils what will make you feel like you need to wash your hair again. Try simply rinsing your hair in the shower following a day outdoors to eliminate that excess oil. Use a natural ingredient like cornstarch rather than conventional shampoo on occasion so you can go a little longer between washes. Another fast fix is to use a cotton ball to dab witch hazel on your scalp to clean away excess oils.

-Avoid blow-drying your hair as much as you can. Your hair is already getting lots of exposure to heat practically every day during the summer months. Because it probably air dries fast anyway, put away your blow dryer and simply go natural. Also, avoid flat ironing your hair, too, because that can do additional damage to hair that’s already too dry.

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-No more “swimmer’s hair.” If you have blonde hair that tends to turn a little greenish after you’ve been swimming, rinse out your hair with a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar and two cups of water. This helps get your hair sufficiently wet before getting in the water so it will not absorb too much chlorine.

-Add a little sunscreen. Although there are some shampoos containing UV ray protection, many of them have chemicals that might not be beneficial to your hair. One convenient way to apply some extra protection is to simply run your fingers through your locks after applying putting sunscreen on your body.

-Try an oil rinse. Avocado, coconut and even olive oils are effective at penetrating to the hair shaft. Shampoo your hair as normal, then add in oil from the ends to the roots. Thoroughly rinse, then apply the conditioner you normal use. This will leave your hair feeling moisturized but not too greasy.

-Spritz and conditioner. Make a mixture of water, avocado oil and aloe vera juices. Store it somewhere where it’s easily accessible for spritzing whenever you need some control and a little moisture.

Another effective option is to mix water with argan oil. Rinse thoroughly with water and apple cider vinegar for a natural, fast conditioner. Apply some coconut oil to smooth away excess frizz. Moisturize your hair after a wash. The oil provides some gloss and helps create natural curls. Try applying a deep, natural conditioner treatment every week to add more moisture to your hair. Hair Salons Near Me Naperville IL

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Downtown Naperville: 35 S Washington St, Naperville, IL 60540
Naperville Ogden: 1767 W Ogden Ave, Naperville, IL 60540
Lisle: 6484 College Rd, Lisle, IL 60532
Batavia: 2016 W Wilson St, Batavia, IL 60510

call us

Downtown Naperville: (630) 428-4001
Naperville Ogden: (630) 778-8999
Lisle: (630) 961-3363
Batavia: (630) 406-9555

opening hours

Mon- Sun: 8:00 AM - 10:00 PM